It’s that special time again!
We’re all dating everything with the wrong year, and probably will be until at least April. There’s a pile of gifts from the holidays with no place to go. And our inboxes are predictably filling with even more spam than usual as every expert & influencer announces, with certainty, the top 10 things for 2021 you need to do, get, be, see, or eat.
Don’t worry, you’re in good company. Here at SJ, none of us has gotten into the habit of writing 2021 yet. We’ve all been so busy that the tree might still be up in the office, and our email & LinkedIn accounts are chock-full of new-year-top-10 lists…especially from all the marketing & advertising gurus!

We’re sure you’ve at least passingly encountered these too. The top trends in web development, 10 things to do now to get more Instagram followers, the rankings of the best movies, and predictions for who will rule the day at the Addy Awards (our industry’s version of the Emmys). It’s fun to read others’ perspectives…it’s also just that, someone else’s perspective.
What isn’t taken into account is your perspective, your story. It really doesn’t matter if someone tells you the top 10 best times to post on social media because if your story isn’t properly discerned, crafted, presented, a post on the first Tuesday of the month at 10:30am really doesn’t do you much good.
Have you ever heard the expression, “Sometimes it’s not the wand, it’s the magician”? Well, nothing brings that colloquial saying to life quite like the age-old platform vs. content argument. To really succeed in telling your story, finding your audience, and convincing them why you’re their best source for your business or craft, it isn’t waving the wand at 10:30am on a Tuesday that grabs your prospects’ attention, it’s the magic of your story.
So, go ahead, clear the spam folder, delete the LinkedIn InMail, and use the time you’d otherwise spend reading that top 10 list reflecting on the uniqueness of you, individually or for your business. Use January to really take a pause, reflect on the incredible year we just concluded, and listen.
Yes, listen inwardly for the voice that’s yearning to tell a story. We know there’s magic there, we can help you tell it. So, when you’re ready, we’ll be waiting, because your story is our story.